Mini Hypnobirthing Courses & Pregnancy Support

We’re delighted to partner with The Mindful Birth Group & their PregnaHub® app to offer 6 months FREE access to the premium subscription, worth £45.

Time is precious, especially when you’re pregnant, and understandably it may not be a priority to invest your time or money into a pregnancy course if you’re not sure it will help or be right for you. This is a fantastic app that will deliver practical information and useful support.

What’s included:

  • Pregnancy exercise classes live & online

  • Ask a midwife chat

  • Monthly pregnancy relaxation sessions

  • Expert support live and on-demand from early pregnancy through to your baby’s first birthday.

Mini hypnobirthing courses for vaginal and caesarean birth are also included on the app to prepare you mentally and physically for your upcoming birth.

The mini courses include:

  • 1 hour audio learning course.

  • 43 page printable text format of the course.

  • 15 printable positive affirmations for single and multiple pregnancies.

  • Relaxation audios.

  • Lots of birth support materials such as birth preferences sheets (inc. unplanned abdominal birth), birth bag checklists for you, partner & baby, hospital door signs, and much more. 

Some reasons we’re really happy to be able to offer this online support: 

  • There’s no unwelcome pressure to have a certain type of birth. Lots of preparation courses push for a ’natural’ vaginal birth - for many reasons that’s not always what’s wanted or what happens, this course has two fantastic options – the app prepares you and supports you for all types of birth.

  • It helps navigate unexpected turns including an unplanned abdominal birth. Some courses are great if everything goes according to your ‘plan’ but if this doesn’t happen some birthers are left feeling unsure and powerless, this will help you make informed decisions throughout labour.

  • It’s useful whatever stage of pregnancy you are at, and if this is your first, last or somewhere in-between pregnancy, there’s lots to learn and practice, it will definitely give you tools and techniques to feel relaxed during pregnancy and labour.